
I need to get the currently selected object from da databound DataGridView.

I do not need the object of the current selected cell, but the object on which the whole row is based, in this case a BusinessObject whos properties make the columns of the grid.

I could go over the DataSource, but that itself is just an object and can be a BindingSource or a IBindingList or something like that - so not easy standartized way to get the wanted object.

Behind that is the need to just check the businessObject for a property called IsChanged and ask the user to save or discard the changes, before the bindingsource selects the next item. Therefore I must find out the current object inside RowValidating-Event of the DataGridView, since the BindingSource does not offer an event to stop changing before change occurs.See here for the well known problem

Thanks for reading ;-)


6 Answers


DataGridViewRow.DataBoundItem contains the 'business' object it is bound to.


Here is my code put this into your Person class

 public static explicit operator Person(DataRow dr)
        Person p = new Person();
        p.adi = dr.ItemArray[0].ToString();
        p.id = Int32.Parse(dr.ItemArray[1].ToString());
        p.soyadi = dr.ItemArray[2].ToString();
        p.kartNo = dr.ItemArray[3].ToString();
        p.dogumTarihi = DateTime.Parse( dr.ItemArray[4].ToString() );
        p.adres = dr.ItemArray[5].ToString();
        p.meslek = dr.ItemArray[6].ToString();
        p.telefon = dr.ItemArray[7].ToString();
        p.gsm = dr.ItemArray[8].ToString();
        p.eposta = dr.ItemArray[9].ToString();

        return p;

and this is a update button click

DataRow row = (dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].DataBoundItem as DataRowView).Row;
Person selected = (Person)row;

You can also use this short code.

Person selected = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].DataBoundItem as Person;

What about this way?

foreach (DataGridViewRow item in this.dataGridView1.SelectedRows)

We can get multiple selected rows data.


Since you did state the IBindingList - yes as others have said the DataBoundItem property will give you what you need - there is an issue with it that I had experienced previously and ended up with a null reference but right now I can not think of the scenario in which it happened.

If you are databound using a BindingSource - you can capture the CurrentChanged, CurrentItemChanged events of your BindingSource , then you need not have an additional IsChanged Property on your B.O. .. , also the underlying datasource could also indicate modified - for example if you have BindingSource bound to a datatable the row would give you a modified flag.


You can get the selected cell value like this


If you want the value in the form of a String just use ToString() method like this


This should do it