
I'm trying to come up with a good system for generating slides and accompanying handouts. The ideal system would have the following properties:

  • beautiful in both presentation (PDF/HTML) and handout (PDF) layouts (handouts should have room for taking notes)
  • embedded R chunks, figures, other JPG/PNG pictures, etc.
  • easy to compose
  • build using command-line tools
  • bibliography support
  • pandoc slide separator format (automatically generate a new slide after headers of a specified level) is preferred
  • I can live with a little bit of additional processing (e.g. via sed), but would prefer not to write a huge infrastructure
  • two-column layouts: there is a SO post on how to get multi-column slides from pandoc, but it is LaTeX- rather than HTML-oriented.
  • ability to adjust sizes of embedded images (other than R-generated figures) and column widths on the fly

Here's what I've discovered so far about the various options:

  • Slidify:
    • doesn't do pandoc slide separator format, although there is a workaround
    • the suggestion for creating handouts is to print to PDF; I'd like to leave room for notes etc. (I could probably figure out a way to do that using something like PDFtk or psnup ...)
  • RStudio presentations (.Rpres files):
    • does lots of things nicely, including multi-columns with specified widths
    • doesn't support pandoc slide separator format
    • I can't figure out what's going on under the hood. There is RStudio documentation that describes the translation process for regular HTML, but it doesn't seem to cover the R presentation format (which isn't quite the same). (I have previously invested some effort in figuring out how to get RStudio-like output via pandoc ...), which means I can't generate slides etc. from the command line.
  • RStudio's Development Version (as of March 2014) comes bundled with Pandoc and version 2 of rmarkdown. It addresses many of the above issues with the .Rpres format.
  • pandoc: may be the only markdown-translator that has features such as footnotes, bibliography support, etc.. I can also use pandoc to generate LaTeX using the tufte-handout class, which meets my criteria of beauty.
    • Unfortunately, it seems not to have built-in two-column format support. Yihui Xie's HTML5 example doesn't show any two-column examples, and it claims (on slide 5) that clicking the "Knit HTML" button in RStudio is equivalent to pandoc -s -S -i -t dzslides --mathjax knitr-slides.md -o knitr-slides.html, but it doesn't seem to be ...
  • LaTeX/beamer: I could simply compose in Rnw (knitr-dialect Sweave) rather than R markdown to begin with. This would give me ultimate flexibility ...
    • despite many years of LaTeX use I do find LaTeX composition more of a pain than markdown composition.

After all that, my specific question is: what's the best (easiest) way to generate a two-column layout for HTML output?

Any other advice will also be appreciated.

Slidify can do handouts using custom layouts, which are straightforward to write. If you can point me to an example of the type of handout you are looking for, I can post a short example. I am also in the process of figuring out an automated solution to print to pdf, and hopefully will get there in 2014 :)Ramnath
Slidify uses the markdown package from CRAN, but I am making modifications which will allow a user to switch between pandoc and markdown for conversion to HTML.Ramnath
So, as suggested below, I really just want an equal-width (by default: ideally adjustable-width) plain, two-column table. In principle one could do two-column text in this format, but I always use it for text in the left column and a picture in the right column ... it does sound like slidify+pandoc would be close to my perfect solution.Ben Bolker
Should you generalize question to include also beamer pdf presentation? I realized that was not originally asked altough I find solution to problem(from another forum) which have been related to that.I think it is not worth of writing that answer to separate question.Mikael Jumppanen
It looks like there might be some good stuff here: bookdown.org/yihui/rmarkdown-cookbook/multi-column.htmlBen Bolker

7 Answers


This is an old Q, but I was recently plagued by a similar question, here's what I found:

Using the RPres format, two columns can be specified like so (details). Note that RPres can only be converted to HTML by clicking a button in RStudio, there doesn't seem to be any command line method, which is a bit annoying. Despite, that I'd say it is currently the simplest and most flexible method for getting slide columns with markdown:


Two Column Layout  

This slide has two columns


```{r, echo=FALSE}

enter image description here

Some flexibility is afforded by adjusting the column proportions:


Two Column Layout  
left: 30%
This slide has two columns


```{r, echo=FALSE}

enter image description here

With rmarkdown we can get two columns, but with no control over where the break is, which is a bit of a problem:

output: ioslides_presentation

## Two Column Layout  {.columns-2}

This slide has two columns

```{r, echo=FALSE}

enter image description here

We can also mix markdown and LaTeX in an Rmd file using the beamer_presentation format in RStudio to get two columns like this, but can't run any code in either column, which is a limitation:

output: beamer_presentation

Two Column Layout 

This slide has two columns
If I put any code in here I get an error, see

enter image description here

Seems like a regular Rnw LaTeX doc is the best way to get columns if you want to use LaTex, not this markdown hybrid (cf. two column beamer/sweave slide with grid graphic)

In all of the above an image can be placed in an column.

The slidify website has instructions on making two columns here: http://slidify.org/customize.html but it's not clear what has to go into the assets/layouts folder to make it work


I now have what I think is a reasonable solution that should apply at least to ioslides-based solutions, and maybe (?) to other HTML5-based formats. Starting here, I added

div#before-column p.forceBreak {
    break-before: column;
div#after-column p.forceBreak {
    break-after: column;

to the beginning of my document; then putting <p class="forceBreak"></p> within a slide with {.columns-2} breaks the column at that point, e.g.

## Latin hypercube sampling {.columns-2}

- sample evenly, randomly across (potentially many) uncertain parameters

<p class="forceBreak"></p>

[User:Saittam, Wikipedia](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:LHSsampling.png#/media/File:LHSsampling.png)

There may be an even better way, but this isn't too painful.

@ChrisMerkord points out in comments that

.forceBreak { -webkit-column-break-after: always; break-after: column; }

worked instead (I haven't tested ...)


You can use fenced_divs notation or ::: to create columns or `Two Content layout'. See also this page to know more about the notation.

## Slide With Image Left

::: columns

:::: column

:::: column

```{r your-chunk-name, echo=FALSE, fig.cap="your-caption-name"}

#The figure will appear on the right side of the slide...


Since pandoc 2+, which supports the notation, was implemented in RStudio v1.2+, you may need to install RStudio v1.2+ first. The installation is easy enough (at least in my case); just download and install RStudio v1.2+. In the way of installation, the former version of RStudio on your computer will be replaced with the new one without uninstalling it manually.

The ::: notation can be used even when you knit .Rmd files with beamer_presentation option, as well as when you create HTML slides. So we don't have to neither mix markdown and LaTeX notation in one file, nor add additional codes any longer: just knit the file as you knit other .Rmd with other options.


I got an idea from HERE, the basic solutions was:

### Function *inner_join*
. . .

`<div style="float: left; width: 50%;">`
``` {r, echo = FALSE, results = 'markup', eval = TRUE}
`<div style="float: right; width: 50%;">`
```{r, echo = TRUE, results = 'markup', eval = TRUE}
inner_join(A,B, by="C")


There is a workaround for beamer error.

In short: Error is related to pandoc conversion engine, which treats everything between \begin{...} and \end{...} as TeX. It can be avoided by giving new definition for begin{column} and end{column} in yaml header.

Create mystyle.tex and write there:


In the Rmd file use these new definitions

      in_header: mystyle.tex

Two Column Layout 


This slide has two columns.


#No error here i can run any r code


And you get: enter image description here


So far I haven't been able to do better than hacking my own little bit of markup on top of the rmd format: I call my source file rmd0 and run a script including this sed tidbit to translate it to rmd before calling knit:

sed -e 's/BEGIN2COLS\(.*\)/<table><tr><td style="vertical-align:top; width=50%" \1>/' \
    -e 's/SWITCH2COLS/<\/td><td style="vertical-align:top">/' \
    -e 's/END2COLS/<\/td><\/tr><\/table>/' ...

There are a few reasons I don't like this. (1) It's ugly and special-purpose, and I don't have a particularly good way to allow optional arguments (e.g. relative widths of columns, alignment, etc.). (2) It has to be tweaked for each output format (e.g. if I wanted LaTeX/beamer output I would need to substitute \begin{columns}\begin{column}{5cm} ... \end{column}\begin{column}{5cm} ... \end{column}\end{columns} instead (as it turns out I want to ignore the two-column formatting when I make LaTeX-format handouts, so it's a little easier, but it's still ugly).

Slidify may yet be the answer.


Not a direct solution, but Yihui's Xaringan package https://github.com/yihui/xaringan/ works for me. It's based on remark.js. In the default template, you can use .pull-left[] and .pull-right[] . Example: https://slides.yihui.name/xaringan/#15. You only need a minimum tweak on the existing .rmd files.