
I'm trying to implement a program using MPI, for which I need to have a block of code to be executed in a particular processor and until the execution completes other processors must wait.I thought it can be achieved using MPI_Barrier (though I'm not clear with its actual functionality) and tried out the following program.

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int rank=0,size;
    if(rank == 0){                             //Block 1
        printf("\nRank 0 Before Barrier");
        printf("\nRank 1 After Barrier");
        printf("\nRank 1 After Barrier");
        printf("\nRank 2 After Barrier");

I got the following output when I executed with np as 3

Rank 1 After Barrier

Rank 0 Before BarrierRank 2 After BarrierRank 1 After Barrier

How could I possibly make the other processors to wait until Block 1 completes its execution in the processor with Rank 0?

Intended Output

Rank 0 Before Barrier
Rank 1 After Barrier //After this, it might be interchanged
Rank 1 After Barrier
Rank 2 After Barrier
MPI_Barrier() blocks the all process until all of them reaches to barrier.Polymorphism
try adding fflush(stdout); after every printf statement.eduffy
That or do fprintf(stderr...). stderr is unbuffered by default.Aaron Altman

1 Answers


Besides the issue with concurrent writing to stdout that eduffy pointed out in a comment, the barrier you've used is only part of what you need to do to ensure ordering. Once all 3 or more ranks pass the one barrier you've inserted, all possible interleavings of rank 1 and 2 are allowed:

Rank 1 After Barrier
Rank 1 After Barrier
Rank 2 After Barrier


Rank 1 After Barrier
Rank 2 After Barrier
Rank 1 After Barrier


Rank 2 After Barrier
Rank 1 After Barrier
Rank 1 After Barrier

You need to do some kind of synchronization between ranks 1 and 2 after the barrier you've got now to make sure that rank 1 gets its first printf done before rank 2 can continue. That could be another barrier, a barrier on a smaller communicator just containing ranks 1 and 2 if you don't want to force other ranks to wait, a blocking MPI_Ssend/MPI_Recv pair with dummy data or similar.