
stack: PHP 5.4.23, php-fpm, nginx 1.4.x, centos 6.5

I was trying to install xdebug, had to run phpize command.

I have php5-devl already installed and pecl command works

When I ran the command, it gave me the following error output:

# phpize
Can't find PHP headers in /usr/include/php
The php-devel package is required for use of this command.

How to fix this error?

Are PHP headers at /usr/include/php?Álvaro González

4 Answers


I think you have not installed php-pear . I am not seeing it in that link.

You can do it by yum install php-pear


You can install xdebug also using these steps

1) Install PHP’s devel package for PHP commands execution

yum install php-devel

Make sure you also have php-pear package installed

yum install php-pear

2) Install GCC and GCC C++ compilers to compile Xdebug extension yourself.

yum install gcc gcc-c++ autoconf automake

3) Compile Xdebug

pecl install Xdebug

4) Find the php.ini file using

`locate php.ini`

And add the following line

xdebug.remote_enable = 1

5) Restart Apache service httpd restart

6) Test if it works – create test.php with the following code

<?php phpinfo(); ?>

The problem got solved by the PHP version that is used in the system.

My PHP Version was 5.6

So by running the following command I solved the problem

yum install php56-devel

Where "56" is your version of PHP.


If you're on PHP 7 such as in my case just installing php-devel won't solve your problems, but you'll need to install some additional packages:

yum install php-devel pcre-devel gcc make

And then you'll be able to follow Harikrishnan steps to get xdebug working (if not yet configured).


My problem hasn't been solved using

yum install php-devel

But this helped me to solve the problem:

yum --enablerepo=remi,remi-php55 install php55-php-devel