I have created a View using module, now in controller of this view i need to fetch some specific content type and return to view. Please can some one eleborate with code sample.
1 Answers
You will need to inject the IContentManager services in your controller constructor (see dependency injection) , but since you will need to populate a new shape, you could inject IOrchardServices which will include a few common OrchardServices in one instance.
IOrchardServices services;
public MyController(IOrchardServices services){
this.services = services;
Then in your action (if you want to show it on the front end you will have to mark it as themed), do something like this:
public ActionResult MyAction(){
//Notice that you can filter the contentItems here, this is just a basic example
var myContentItems = services.ContentManager.Query().ForType("MyContentItem").List();
//You probably need to create a new shape for showing the ContentTypes
var shape = services.New.YourCustomShape(); //Notice that you must create a view that matches this name
shape.YourContentItems = myContentItems;
return new ShapeResult(this, shape);
And that's it.