I am trying to learning the browser's (Chrome/Firefox) cache mechanism. I set up a simple HTML:
Hellow World
function loadJS(){
var s = document.createElement('script');
I output "Cache-Control: max-age:30
" for "/myscript"
Everytime I press F5, browser will re-validate /myscript with my server to get a 304 back.
But if I use
setTimeout(loadJS, 1);
Everytime I press F5, it looks like browser will check expire time, and if not expired, browser will use the cache directly instead of going to server for revalidation.
My question is:
- Why? is there a detail explanation for this?
- Does it mean if I want browser to use cache and reduce network request as much as possible, I need to wait the page loaded, and then request resources by js later?