
I am trying to learning the browser's (Chrome/Firefox) cache mechanism. I set up a simple HTML:

    Hellow World

        function loadJS(){ 
           var s = document.createElement('script'); 


I output "Cache-Control: max-age:30" for "/myscript"

Everytime I press F5, browser will re-validate /myscript with my server to get a 304 back.

But if I use

setTimeout(loadJS, 1);

Everytime I press F5, it looks like browser will check expire time, and if not expired, browser will use the cache directly instead of going to server for revalidation.

My question is:

  1. Why? is there a detail explanation for this?
  2. Does it mean if I want browser to use cache and reduce network request as much as possible, I need to wait the page loaded, and then request resources by js later?
How do you know that it is not requesting it from the server? are you checking the network from an external program? (fiddler maybe?)Purefan
I used Chrome' web developer tool to monitor the network request.virsir

1 Answers


I've done a fair amount of experimentation with browser cache control, and I am surprised that no one has posted an answer.

Many people do not pay attention to this. As a results websites--for no reason at all--make browsers perform useless roundtrips for a 304-not modified on images, js or css files which are unlikely changed in 5 years--like who is going to change jquery.v-whatever?

So anyway, I have found that when you hard refresh the browser using F5 or ctrl-r, Chrome will revalidate just about everything on the page--as it should. This is very helpful and is why you want keep the etags in the response header.

When testing your max-age and expires headers, browse the site as a user naturally would by clicking the links on the page. Watch the web server's logfile (I use http://www.apacheviewer.com) and you'll get a good idea of how the browsers are caching.

Setting the headers works. I posted this a while back: Apache: set max-age or expires in .htaccess for directory

The easiest way for me to manage the web server is to create a /cache directory and instruct apache to set a 1 year max-age and expires header for everything in every subdir.

It works wonders. My pages make 1 round trip to the server, where as they used to make 3-5 trips with each request, just to get a 304.

Write your html as you normally would. The browsers will obey the cache settings in the headers.

Just know that hard refreshing the browser causes the browser to ignore max-age and relies on etags.