I have created a similar functionality where I can add postcode ranges in my custom module using below code.
In my Module_name/Block/Adminhtml/Regions/Edit/Tab/Form.php
I have added.
$fieldset->addField('postcodes', 'text', array(
This will add postcodes field in my tab with renderer adminhtml_regions_edit_tab_postcodes
In my Module_name/Block/Adminhtml/Regions/Edit/Tab/Postcodes.php
I have added the button with the code.
class Ripples_Zones_Block_Adminhtml_Regions_Edit_Tab_Postcodes
extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Catalog_Product_Edit_Tab_Price_Group_Abstract
public function __construct()
protected function _prepareLayout()
$button = $this->getLayout()->createBlock('adminhtml/widget_button')
'label' => Mage::helper('zones')->__('Add Postcode Range'),
'onclick' => 'return addPostCodeRange.addItem()',
'class' => 'add'
$this->setChild('add_button', $button);
return parent::_prepareLayout();
This will add a button on my tab with the onclick function addPostCodeRange.addItem()
After this I have added a phtml file in design/adminhtml/default/default/template/zones/postcodes.phtml
<?php $_htmlId = $this->getElement()->getHtmlId() ?>
<?php $_htmlName = 'postcodes';?>
<td class="label">Postcode Range</td>
<td colspan="10" class="grid">
<table cellspacing="0" class="data border" id="postcodes_table">
<col width="50" />
<col width="50" />
<col width="1" />
<tr class="headings">
<th><?php echo Mage::helper('zones')->__('From') ?></th>
<th><?php echo Mage::helper('zones')->__('To') ?></th>
<th class="last"><?php echo Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Action') ?></th>
<tbody id="<?php echo $_htmlId ?>_container"></tbody>
<td colspan="3" class="a-right"><?php echo $this->getAddButtonHtml() ?></td>
<script type="text/javascript">
var tierPriceRowTemplate = '<tr>'
+ '<td><input type="text" value="{{from}}" class="custgroup required-entry" name="<?php echo $_htmlName ?>[{{index}}][from]" id="postcodes_row_{{index}}_from" />'
+ '</td>'
+ '<td><input type="text" value="{{to}}" class="custgroup required-entry" name="<?php echo $_htmlName ?>[{{index}}][to]" id="postcodes_row_{{index}}_to" />'
+ '</td>'
+ '<td class="last"><input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $_htmlName ?>[{{index}}][delete]" class="delete" value="" id="postcodes_row_{{index}}_delete" />'
+ '<button title="<?php echo Mage::helper('zones')->__("Delete Range") ?>" type="button" class="scalable delete icon-btn delete-product-option" id="postcodes_row_{{index}}_delete_button" onclick="return addPostCodeRange.deleteItem(event);">'
+ '<span><span><span><?php echo Mage::helper('zones')->__("Delete") ?></span></span></span></button></td>'
+ '</tr>';
var addPostCodeRange = {
template: new Template(tierPriceRowTemplate, new RegExp('(^|.|\\r|\\n)({{\\s*(\\w+)\\s*}})', "")),
itemsCount: 0,
addItem : function () {
var data = {
from: '',
to: '',
readOnly: false,
index: this.itemsCount++
if(arguments.length >= 2) {
data.from = arguments[0];
data.to = arguments[1];
if (arguments.length == 3) {
data.readOnly = arguments[2];
Element.insert($('<?php echo $_htmlId ?>_container'), {
bottom : this.template.evaluate(data)
$('postcodes_row_' + data.index + '_from').value = data.from;
$('postcodes_row_' + data.index + '_to').value = data.to;
if (data.readOnly == '1') {
['from', 'to', 'delete'].each(function(idx){
$('postcodes_row_'+data.index+'_'+idx).disabled = true;
disableElement: function(el) {
el.disabled = true;
deleteItem: function(event) {
var tr = Event.findElement(event, 'tr');
if (tr) {
Element.select(tr, '.delete').each(function(elem){elem.value='1'});
Element.addClassName(tr, 'no-display template');
return false;
<?php $collection = Mage::getModel('zones/regions')->getCollection()->addFieldToFilter('regions_id',array('eq' => $this->getRequest()->getParam('id'))); ?>
<?php foreach ($collection as $_item): ?>
<?php $postcodes = unserialize($_item['postcodes']); ?>
<?php foreach ($postcodes as $postcode): ?>
addPostCodeRange.addItem( '<?php echo $postcode['from'] ?>', '<?php echo $postcode['to'] ?>');
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
This file contains the function. I have added two textboxes on function call. You can add file field in this function.
Hope this helps.