I'm trying to learn SDL2. The main difference (as I can see) between the old SDL and SDL2 is that old SDL had window represented by it's surface, all pictures were surfaces and all image operations and blits were surface to surface. In SDL2 we have surfaces and textures. If I got it right, surfaces are in RAM, and textures are in graphics memory. Is that right?
My goal is to make object-oriented wrapper for SDL2 because I had a similar thing for SDL. I want to have class window and class picture (has private texture and surface). Window will have it's contents represented by an instance of the picture class, and all blits will be picture to picture object blits. How to organize these picture operations:
- Pixel manipulation should be on surface level?
- If I want to copy part of one picture to another without rendering it, it should be on surface level?
- Should I blit surface to texture only when I want to render it on the screen?
- Is it better to render it all to one surface and then render it to the window texture or to render each picture to the window texture separately?
Generally, when should I use surface and when should I use texture?
Thank you for your time and all help and suggestions are welcome :)