Using the Delphi XE2 wizard to create a component, I have choose the TPanel to inherit from, and change defaults of some properties to fit my application.
My problem is to change the default of Margins:
TControl = class(TComponent)
property Margins: TMargins read FMargins write SetMargins;
Margins is a TMargin class declared with 4 properties that I need to redefine the defaults:
TMargins = class(TPersistent)
property Left: TMarginSize index 0 read FLeft write SetMargin default 3;
property Top: TMarginSize index 1 read FTop write SetMargin default 3;
property Right: TMarginSize index 2 read FRight write SetMargin default 3;
property Bottom: TMarginSize index 3 read FBottom write SetMargin default 3;
I can/will be setting on code the margins when the constructor of the component is called, however I have no idea how to redefine these defaults above in order to show up on the property editor.