
According to very few related topics that I could find I am gathering that the exponentiation step to obtain proper lighting computations perhaps must be done within the final fragment shader on an iOS app.

I have been profiling with the latest and greatest Xcode 5 OpenGL debugger and the exponentiation of the fragment accounts for a significant amount of computation. It was the line that took the longest time in the entire shader (the rest of the performance got sucked out by the various norm calls needed for point-lights).

glEnable(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB); unfortunately does not work as GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB is not declared.

Of course the actual enum I should be using for GL ES may be different.

According to Apple:

The following extensions are supported for the SGX 543 and 554 processors only:


Well, that's nice, the newest device that does not have a 543 or 554 is the iPhone 4.

From the extension's text file it looks like I can set SRGB8_ALPHA8_EXT to the internalformat parameter of RenderbufferStorage, but nothing is said of how to get the normal final framebuffer to apply sRGB for us for free.

Now the sRGB correction seems like the missing step to get the correct colors. What I've been doing in my app to deal with the horrible "underexposed" colors is manually applying gamma correction like this in the fragment shader:

mediump float gammaf = 1.0/1.8; // this line declared outside of `main()`
// it specifies a constant 1.8 gamma
mediump vec4 gamma = vec4(gammaf, gammaf, gammaf, 1.0);
gl_FragColor = pow(color, gamma); // last line of `main()`

Now I recognize that the typical render pipeline involves one or more renders to a texture followed by a FS quad draw, which will afford me the opportunity to make use of an SRGB8_ALPHA_EXT renderbuffer, but what am I supposed to do without one? Am I SOL?

If that is the case, the pow call is sucking up so much time that it almost seems like I can squeeze some more perf out of it by building a 1D texture to sample and use as a gamma lookup table. This texture could then be used to tweak the output color intensities in custom ways (and get a much better approximation to sRGB compared to just the raw exponentiation). But it just all seems kind of wrong because supposedly sRGB is free.

Also somewhat alarming is the absence of any mention of the string srgb anywhere in the GL ES 2.0 spec. According to the makers of glm GL ES simply ignores sRGB entirely.

I know that I have used my code to render textures (I made a basic OpenGL powered image viewer that renders PVRTC textures) and they did not get "dimmed". I think what is happening there is that due to GL ES 2's lack of sRGB awareness, the textures are loaded in as being in linear space and written back out in the same way. In that situation, since no lighting gets applied (all colors got multiplied by 1.0) nothing bad happened to the results.

That is not entirely correct. GLES does support sRGB default frame buffers, but you are going to need another extension (an EGL extension) in order to get it. EGL_KHR_gl_colorspace. It is a very new extension, so I am not surprised G-Truc does not know or hast not written anything about it.Andon M. Coleman
Okay, that's interesting. As you say, it is quite new. It's sort of surprising to me how little literature there is out there currently regarding gamma correction/sRGB on iOS. Which leads me to guess that EGL_KHR_gl_colorspace is not a currently supported GL ES 2.0 extension. (GL 3.0 does bring sRGB support so I should be all set for that if my app requests and obtains a 3.0 context.)Steven Lu

3 Answers


iOS 7.0 adds the new color format kEAGLColorFormatSRGBA8, which you can set instead of kEAGLColorFormatRGBA8 (the default value) for the kEAGLDrawablePropertyColorFormat key in the drawableProperties dictionary of a CAEAGLLayer. If you’re using GLKit to manage your main framebuffer for you, you can get GLKView to create a sRGB renderbuffer by setting its drawableColorFormat property to GLKViewDrawableColorFormatSRGBA8888.

Note that the OpenGL ES version of EXT_sRGB behaves as if GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB is always enabled. If you want to render without sRGB conversion to/from the destination framebuffer, you’ll need to use a different attachment with a non-sRGB internal format.


I think you are getting confused between the EXT_sRGB and the ARB_framebuffer_sRGB extensions. The EXT_sRGB is the more recent extension, and is the one supported by iOS devices. This differs from ARB_framebuffer_sRGB in one important way, it is not necessary to call glEnable(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB) on the framebuffer to enable gamma correction, it is always enabled. All you need to do is create the framebuffer with an sRGB internal format and render linear textures to it.

This is not hugely useful on its own, as textures are rarely in a linear colour space. Fortunately the extension also includes the ability to convert sRGB textures to linear space. By uploading your textures with an internal format of sRGB8_ALPHA8_EXT, they will be converted into linear space when sampled in a shader for free. This allows you to use sRGB textures with a better perception encoded colour range, blend in higher precision linear space, then encode the result back to sRGB in the render buffer without any shader cost and accurate gamma correction.


Here are my test results. My only iOS7 device is an A7-powered iPad5, and in order to test fillrate I had to tweak my test app a bit to enable blending. That was sufficient on iOS 6.1 to prevent fragment-discarding optimizations on opaque geometry, but for iOS 7 I also needed to write gl_FragColor.w != 1.0 in the shader. Not a problem.

Using the GLKViewDrawableColorFormatSRGBA8888 does indeed appear to be free or close to free in terms of performance. I do not have a proper timedemo style benchmark setup so I am just testing "similar" scenes and the removal of the pow shaved around 2ms off the frame time (which would e.g. take 43ms to 41ms, 22 fps to 24 fps). Then, setting the sRGB framebuffer color format did not introduce a noticeable increase in the frame time as reported by the debugger, but this isn't very scientific and it certainly could have slowed it by a half a millisecond or so. I can't actually tell if it is completely free (i.e. fully utilizing a hardware path to perform final sRGB transformation) without first building more benching software, but I already have the problem solved so more rigorous testing will have to wait.