
I have two tables in MS Access 2010.


ID ItemID ItemName Out (it's a Yes/No field)
1    A1    ALPHA1  
2    A2    ALPHA2  
3    A3    ALPHA3  
4    A4    ALPHA4  
5    B1    BETA1   
6    B2    BETA2   
7    G1    GIGA1   
8    G2    GIGA2   


ID ItemID ItemName

I created a form from tblStore in tabular layout and added a command button with vba codes:

`Private Sub cmdSendOut_Click()
    DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO tblOut (ItemID, ItemName)" & _
        "SELECT ItemID, ItemName FROM tblStore WHERE (Out = True);"
    DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE FROM tblStore WHERE (Out = True);"
End Sub`

My problem is: after select 2 records in the form and click the [Send Out] button as shown below, system only show 1 record that need to be appended. enter image description here

Can anybody tell me what went wrong? Thanks!

Please do not edit your title or question to indicate that your issue is 'solved'. This is not a support forum, but a question/answer site.Andrew Barber

1 Answers


Notice on the screen shot that one record shows a pencil icon. That record is not resolved, not saved. You may find you can save that record before running the queries using VBA:

IF Me.Dirty=True Then Me.Dirty =False

Then I think you will find both records are captured. Screen shot very helpful in this case!