
I have use Outbound Message in salesforce. When the Trigger is Occur on the particular object outbound Message to pass particular End URL. here I want to receive the Outbound Message from the Mulesoft(EndPoint URL) . I have tried HTTP,UDP,TCP,Genric these Kind of endpoint URL but its not working. How i can Use the Mulesoft end point URL. by using Local host its possible or not. Because I have used Localhost:8081 this kind of URL only. what are all the way i have to receive salesforce outbound Message. Thanks


1 Answers


The target of the outbound message must be accessible from the web. It has to have some meaningful domain name or IP address (and if you're behind a firewall you need to allow messages from SF pool of IP addresses to pass through).


Testing can be a bit of a tricky wicket if you are not developing on a machine that is accessible from the internet. Following the sample, we have deployed our web service to localhost:8080. It is not possible for the salesforce.com servers to make a request to that address.