I am fairly new to Rails and am having some trouble linking a new html.erb page to my nav tabs.
I created an app using Scaffolding with a projects_controller.rb. I of course have the index.html.erb which displays my projects_path, it also contains a table of all my projects. I have my new, edit, destroy, update, and show. Show contains the specified project of the projects_path. Okay now what I have attempted to do was create (2) new pages using the projects_controller.rb. So I went and added def delinquent and def closed. Both of which mimic the def index, because I want the exact same functionality on these 2 pages. I created (2) new html.erb pages as well with the names delinquent.html.erb and closed.html.erb. I want these pages to act just like the index page but just only show Delinquent and Closed Projects, not all of the projects that are available like I show on the index.html.erb. I have my navbar, navbar-inner, nav, nav pull-right all in place. I have (3) links ready to go, just don't know how to link my newly created pages to the last 2 links:
<li><%= link_to "Active Projects", projects_path></li>
<li><%= link_to "Delinquent Projects", '#' %></li> # I want to link this to delinquent.html.erb
<li><%= link_to "Closed Projects", '#' %></li> # I want to link this to closed.html.erb
on the firstlink_to
above. – Donovan