is there a Win32 API to construct a HICON handle that contains icons in multiple sizes from pixel data stored in memory? I know that I can construct single icons from memory pixel data using CreateIconIndirect() but these icons will always contain just one size but I want to construct a single HICON handle that contains icons in 16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48 and 256x256 for use with RegisterClassEx().
I know I could simply use a resource icon or load an external *.ico but that's all not possible for my specific case. I need to be able to construct this multiple image HICON from memory pixel data.
The only solution that comes to my mind is to create a temporary *.ico file on disk and then load it using LoadIcon() but that is not a nice solution.
That's why I'd like to ask if there's an API to construct a multi-image HICON from memory pixel data?