i have a facebook sdk.
i import the facebook skd which has a libs folder which has a support v4 jar file which size is 345kb.
i have to support the navigation bar in my 2.2 android so i must import android support -v7 appcompat libarary, which contains a libs folder which has a support v4 jar file which size is 544kb.
these two jar files have different has sha 1 so i want to copy the begest one instead of the other.
i go to facebook sdk folder and replaced the old jar which the better one. then i refresh the eclpse. then i clean all project.
but ecipse keep tell me that these two jars don't have the same hash sha1 although i copied them.
i went to the property of the facebook sdk library and checked the property of the support v4 jar but the size still the size of the old jar which i already replaced.
i tried to remove the facebook skd then re import it but still the same problem
what should i do to make these two jars the same.