I'm building a DirectShow graph. I have video capture filter that connects its output pin to the input pin of SampleGrabber. Before I connect two pins, I configure output pin like this:
HRESULT GraphBuilder::applyVideoFormat()
if( !pVideoCaptureFilter_ )
return E_FAIL;
CComPtr<IPin> pPin;
pPin.Attach( findCategoryPin( pVideoCaptureFilter_, PINDIR_OUTPUT, PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE ) );
if( !pPin )
return E_FAIL;
CComQIPtr<IAMStreamConfig> pConfig( pPin );
if( !pConfig )
return E_FAIL;
AM_MEDIA_TYPE mt = { 0 };
if( videoStandard_ == AnalogVideo_NTSC_M )
vih.AvgTimePerFrame = 333667;
vih.AvgTimePerFrame = 400000;
vih.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER );
vih.bmiHeader.biWidth = captureResolution_.cx;
vih.bmiHeader.biHeight = captureResolution_.cy;
vih.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
vih.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 16;
vih.bmiHeader.biCompression = mmioFOURCC('Y','U','Y','2');
vih.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = vih.bmiHeader.biWidth * vih.bmiHeader.biHeight * 2;
mt.majortype = MEDIATYPE_Video;
mt.subtype = MEDIASUBTYPE_YUY2;
mt.bFixedSizeSamples = TRUE;
mt.bTemporalCompression = FALSE;
mt.lSampleSize = vih.bmiHeader.biSizeImage;
mt.formattype = FORMAT_VideoInfo;
mt.cbFormat = sizeof( VIDEOINFOHEADER );
mt.pbFormat = (BYTE*)&vih;
mt.pUnk = NULL;
return pConfig->SetFormat( &mt ); // SUCCESS - always
I also configure the sample grabber, although I know it will consider only the major type and subtype. It doesn't care about the rest.
HRESULT GraphBuilder::configureVideoSampleGrabber( ISampleGrabber * const pSampleGrabber )
AM_MEDIA_TYPE mt = { 0 };
if( videoStandard_ == AnalogVideo_NTSC_M )
vih.AvgTimePerFrame = 333667;
vih.AvgTimePerFrame = 400000;
vih.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER );
vih.bmiHeader.biWidth = captureResolution_.cx;
vih.bmiHeader.biHeight = captureResolution_.cy;
vih.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
vih.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 16;
vih.bmiHeader.biCompression = mmioFOURCC('Y','U','Y','2');
vih.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = vih.bmiHeader.biWidth * vih.bmiHeader.biHeight * 2;
mt.majortype = MEDIATYPE_Video;
mt.subtype = MEDIASUBTYPE_YUY2;
mt.bFixedSizeSamples = TRUE;
mt.bTemporalCompression = FALSE;
mt.lSampleSize = vih.bmiHeader.biSizeImage;
mt.formattype = FORMAT_VideoInfo;
mt.cbFormat = sizeof( VIDEOINFOHEADER );
mt.pbFormat = (BYTE*)&vih;
mt.pUnk = NULL;
return pSampleGrabber->SetMediaType( &mt ); // SUCCESS - always
This code is called once the filters are in the graph, but BEFORE they are connected. All return values are 0.
In this example, the captureResolution_.cx = 352 and captureResolution_.cy = 240.
Now, the question is: WHY do I get the default 720x480 always through the SampleGrabber instead of 352x240?? I configured the capture pin to deliver 352x240.