I'm running PHPStorm IDE on Windows.
I would like to start using Zurb Foundation and write my stylesheets using SCSS. Do I need to install Ruby or Compass to do so?
Is there a way to let PHPStorm automatically compile .css stylesheets for me in my projects (in custom paths for each project) whenever I edit a .scss file?
I've seen this http://www.jetbrains.com/phpstorm/webhelp/transpiling-sass-less-and-scss-to-css.html but looks like the instructions are for a unix system, while I run windows.
So far I did the following:
- I've installed http://rubyinstaller.org/ then
- successfully installed the sass and compass gems in the ruby/bin folder
- After this I pointed went to Project Settings in PHPStorm and told where to look for Compass
At this point what should I do? Define a config.rb for my project with Compass variables for where to look for SASS files and where to compile them? What else should I do?