How can I return nodes and relationships interleaved? Using the Matrix movie database the query
MATCH p=(a1:Actor {name:"Keanu Reeves"})-[r *0..5]-(a2:Actor {name: "Carrie-Anne Moss"})
return [n in nodes(p)|coalesce(n.title,], [rel in relationships(p)|type(rel)]
returns two columns, one with the nodes and one with the relationships
Keanu Reeves, The Matrix, Laurence Fishburne, The Matrix Reloaded, Carrie-Anne Moss | ACTS_IN, ACTS_IN, ACTS_IN, ACTS_IN
but I want
Keanu Reeves, ACTS_IN, The Matrix, ACTS_IN, Laurence Fishburne, ACTS_IN, The Matrix Reloaded, ACTS_IN, Carrie-Anne Moss