I am using FOSUserBundle but I wanted to rename the roles field column name to user_roles for legacy database,
By referring to
I am trying to overwrite the existing FOS\UserBundle\Model\User with my AcmeDemoBundle:User entity by mapping all fields again.
This is my Class,
namespace Acme\SecurityBundle\Entity;
use FOS\UserBundle\Model\User as BaseUser;
use Acme\CommonBundle\Util\Url as Url;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection;
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection;
* @ORM\Entity
* @ORM\Table(name="users")
* @ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="Acme\SecurityBundle\Entity\UserRepository")
Class User extends BaseUser
* @ORM\Id
* @ORM\Column(type="integer")
* @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
protected $id;
* @var string
* @ORM\Column(name="username", type="string", length=255)
protected $username;
* @var string
* @ORM\Column(name="username_canonical", type="string", length=255, unique=true)
protected $usernameCanonical;
* @var string
* @ORM\Column(name="email", type="string", length=255)
protected $email;
* @var string
* @ORM\Column(name="email_canonical", type="string", length=255, unique=true)
protected $emailCanonical;
* @var boolean
* @ORM\Column(name="enabled", type="boolean")
protected $enabled;
* The salt to use for hashing
* @var string
* @ORM\Column(name="salt", type="string")
protected $salt;
* Encrypted password. Must be persisted.
* @var string
* @ORM\Column(name="password", type="string")
protected $password;
* Plain password. Used for model validation. Must not be persisted.
* @var string
protected $plainPassword;
* @var \DateTime
* @ORM\Column(name="last_login", type="datetime", nullable=true)
protected $lastLogin;
* Random string sent to the user email address in order to verify it
* @var string
* @ORM\Column(name="confirmation_token", type="string", nullable=true)
protected $confirmationToken;
* @var \DateTime
* @ORM\Column(name="password_requested_at", type="datetime", nullable=true)
protected $passwordRequestedAt;
* @var Collection
protected $groups;
* @var boolean
* @ORM\Column(name="locked", type="boolean")
protected $locked;
* @var boolean
* @ORM\Column(name="expired", type="boolean")
protected $expired;
* @var \DateTime
* @ORM\Column(name="expires_at", type="datetime", nullable=true)
protected $expiresAt;
* @var array
* @ORM\Column(name="fos_roles", type="array", nullable=true)
protected $roles;
* @var boolean
* @ORM\Column(name="credentials_expired", type="boolean")
protected $credentialsExpired;
* @var \DateTime
* @ORM\Column(name="credentials_expire_at", type="datetime", nullable=true)
protected $credentialsExpireAt;
public function __construct()
$this->salt = base_convert(sha1(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)), 16, 36);
$this->enabled = false;
$this->locked = false;
$this->expired = false;
$this->roles = array();
$this->credentialsExpired = false;
public function addRole($role)
$role = strtoupper($role);
if ($role === static::ROLE_DEFAULT) {
return $this;
if (!in_array($role, $this->roles, true)) {
$this->roles[] = $role;
return $this;
* Serializes the user.
* The serialized data have to contain the fields used by the equals method and the username.
* @return string
public function serialize()
return serialize(array(
* Unserializes the user.
* @param string $serialized
public function unserialize($serialized)
$data = unserialize($serialized);
// add a few extra elements in the array to ensure that we have enough keys when unserializing
// older data which does not include all properties.
$data = array_merge($data, array_fill(0, 2, null));
) = $data;
* Removes sensitive data from the user.
public function eraseCredentials()
$this->plainPassword = null;
* Returns the user unique id.
* @return mixed
public function getId()
return $this->id;
public function getUsername()
return $this->username;
public function getUsernameCanonical()
return $this->usernameCanonical;
public function getSalt()
return $this->salt;
public function getEmail()
return $this->email;
public function getEmailCanonical()
return $this->emailCanonical;
* Gets the encrypted password.
* @return string
public function getPassword()
return $this->password;
public function getPlainPassword()
return $this->plainPassword;
* Gets the last login time.
* @return \DateTime
public function getLastLogin()
return $this->lastLogin;
public function getConfirmationToken()
return $this->confirmationToken;
* Returns the user roles
* @return array The roles
public function getRoles()
$roles = $this->roles;
foreach ($this->getGroups() as $group) {
$roles = array_merge($roles, $group->getRoles());
// we need to make sure to have at least one role
$roles[] = static::ROLE_DEFAULT;
return array_unique($roles);
* Never use this to check if this user has access to anything!
* Use the SecurityContext, or an implementation of AccessDecisionManager
* instead, e.g.
* $securityContext->isGranted('ROLE_USER');
* @param string $role
* @return boolean
public function hasRole($role)
return in_array(strtoupper($role), $this->getRoles(), true);
public function isAccountNonExpired()
if (true === $this->expired) {
return false;
if (null !== $this->expiresAt && $this->expiresAt->getTimestamp() < time()) {
return false;
return true;
public function isAccountNonLocked()
return !$this->locked;
public function isCredentialsNonExpired()
if (true === $this->credentialsExpired) {
return false;
if (null !== $this->credentialsExpireAt && $this->credentialsExpireAt->getTimestamp() < time()) {
return false;
return true;
public function isCredentialsExpired()
return !$this->isCredentialsNonExpired();
public function isEnabled()
return $this->enabled;
public function isExpired()
return !$this->isAccountNonExpired();
public function isLocked()
return !$this->isAccountNonLocked();
public function isSuperAdmin()
return $this->hasRole(static::ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN);
public function isUser(\FOS\UserBundle\Model\UserInterface $user = null)
return null !== $user && $this->getId() === $user->getId();
public function removeRole($role)
if (false !== $key = array_search(strtoupper($role), $this->roles, true)) {
$this->roles = array_values($this->roles);
return $this;
public function setUsername($username)
$this->username = $username;
return $this;
public function setUsernameCanonical($usernameCanonical)
$this->usernameCanonical = $usernameCanonical;
return $this;
* @param \DateTime $date
* @return User
public function setCredentialsExpireAt(\DateTime $date = null)
$this->credentialsExpireAt = $date;
return $this;
* @param boolean $boolean
* @return User
public function setCredentialsExpired($boolean)
$this->credentialsExpired = $boolean;
return $this;
public function setEmail($email)
$this->email = $email;
return $this;
public function setEmailCanonical($emailCanonical)
$this->emailCanonical = $emailCanonical;
return $this;
public function setEnabled($boolean)
$this->enabled = (Boolean) $boolean;
return $this;
* Sets this user to expired.
* @param Boolean $boolean
* @return User
public function setExpired($boolean)
$this->expired = (Boolean) $boolean;
return $this;
* @param \DateTime $date
* @return User
public function setExpiresAt(\DateTime $date = null)
$this->expiresAt = $date;
return $this;
public function setPassword($password)
$this->password = $password;
return $this;
public function setSuperAdmin($boolean)
if (true === $boolean) {
} else {
return $this;
public function setPlainPassword($password)
$this->plainPassword = $password;
return $this;
public function setLastLogin(\DateTime $time = null)
$this->lastLogin = $time;
return $this;
public function setLocked($boolean)
$this->locked = $boolean;
return $this;
public function setConfirmationToken($confirmationToken)
$this->confirmationToken = $confirmationToken;
return $this;
public function setPasswordRequestedAt(\DateTime $date = null)
$this->passwordRequestedAt = $date;
return $this;
* Gets the timestamp that the user requested a password reset.
* @return null|\DateTime
public function getPasswordRequestedAt()
return $this->passwordRequestedAt;
public function isPasswordRequestNonExpired($ttl)
return $this->getPasswordRequestedAt() instanceof \DateTime &&
$this->getPasswordRequestedAt()->getTimestamp() + $ttl > time();
public function setRoles(array $roles)
$this->roles = array();
foreach ($roles as $role) {
return $this;
* Gets the groups granted to the user.
* @return Collection
public function getGroups()
return $this->groups ? : $this->groups = new ArrayCollection();
public function getGroupNames()
$names = array();
foreach ($this->getGroups() as $group) {
$names[] = $group->getName();
return $names;
public function hasGroup($name)
return in_array($name, $this->getGroupNames());
public function addGroup(\FOS\UserBundle\Model\GroupInterface $group)
if (!$this->getGroups()->contains($group)) {
return $this;
public function removeGroup(\FOS\UserBundle\Model\GroupInterface $group)
if ($this->getGroups()->contains($group)) {
return $this;
public function __toString()
return (string) $this->getUsername();
If I remove extends BaseUser (FOS\UserBundle\Model\User), it gives error "The user provider must return a UserInterface object."
Then I tried adding "implements UserInterface, GroupableInterface" but it still gives "There is no user provider for user "Acme\SecurityBundle\Entity\User".