In a cron controller I want to select records for sending mail and render a pdf from pdf.html view to send as attachment. In the pdf.phtml I have a translation based on translation files. Looping through the array translation should change:
i=0 -> tranlate pdf.phtml to English
i=1 -> translate pdf.phtml to German
I have tried to set the translation every time in the loop
for($i=0;$i<count($getData);$i++) {
select translation file
$registry->set('Zend_Translate', $objTranslate);
render pdf.
but only the first translation of the i=0 is used for the rendering of the pdf, is does not change for i=1. Whether i=0 is English or German, for i=1 it sticks with English or German.
Any ideas on switching translation for the view renderer in a loop?