
Git is installed and is in the path.

Platform: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.8.

>which git

Yet bower can't find it:

bower angular#1.0.6  ENOGIT git is not installed or not in the PATH

What is the recommended work-around?

This boiled down to a problem with node-which. If a file is in the path but has suid/sguid set, node-which will not 'see' it. In my case, git was in the path, and unix which found it. the pemissions were set like this: -rwxrwsr-- 1 root mygroup. When I ran chmod 755 git. which.sync('git') found it.user3112929
This issue is also applicable to windows 7 and so are the solutions e.g stackoverflow.com/questions/20666989/… solution worksRam
@PeterMortensen You linked the wrong OS. "Red Hat Linux" is an obsolete product from 20 years ago. "Red Hat Enterprise Linux" is the name of the thing being used in this century.nobody
I ran into this on Ubuntu 15.10, and I fixed it "perhaps" by installing git and then AFTER git is installed, fully un-install and then re-install npm, and then proceed with all install steps following the "install npm" step, and it seemed to work, although too two runs(attempts at same command) to succeed, if a recall. There must be some reconfigure all command for npm or something what would allow it to rebuild locations of git, etc. BTW: The place this halted my forward progress was trying to install the Polymer/polymer package.user2080225
Why we can't just install Git with bower then ?Hassam Abdelillah

17 Answers


Adding Git to Windows 7/8/8.1 Path

Note: You must have msysgit installed on your machine. Also, the path to my Git installation is "C:\Program Files (x86)\Git". Yours might be different. Please check where yours is before continuing.

Open the Windows Environment Variables/Path Window.

  1. Right-click on My Computer -> Properties
  2. Click Advanced System Settings link from the left side column
  3. Click Environment Variables in the bottom of the window
  4. Then under System Variables look for the path variable and click edit
  5. Add the pwd to Git's binary and cmd at the end of the string like this:


Now test it out in PowerShell. Type git and see if it recognizes the command.

This is image showing you how to do so!

Source: Adding Git to Windows 7 Path


Just use the Git Bash instead of cmd.


Run the following command at your node.js command prompt where "<git path>" is the path to your git bin folder:

set PATH=%PATH%;<git path>;

So, like this:

set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\Git\bin;

Or this: (Notice the (x86) )

set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin;

This will add git to your path variables. Be sure you type it correctly or you could possibly delete your path vars which would be bad.


Make sure you installed Git with the second or third option selected from the list. It will penetrate the Git command to cmd by modifying PATH automatically ;)

Enter image description here


I had the same error in Windows. Adding git to the path fixed the issue.

G:\Dropbox\Development\xampp\htdocs.penfolds.git\penfolds-atg-development>bower install
bower bootstrap#~3.0.0          ENOGIT git is not installed or not in the PATH

PATH=E:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\;

G:\Dropbox\Development\xampp\htdocs.penfolds.git\penfolds-atg-development>set PATH=%PATH%;E:\Program Files\Git\bin;

G:\Dropbox\Development\xampp\htdocs.penfolds.git\penfolds-atg-development>bower install
bower bootstrap#~3.0.0      not-cached git://github.com/twbs/bootstrap.git#~3.0.0
bower bootstrap#~3.0.0         resolve git://github.com/twbs/bootstrap.git#~3.0.0

I am also getting the same error and the solution is first to check if the Git is installed or not in the system and if not please install it.

After installation, open Git Bash or Git Shell from Windows and go to your project (same way you go in command prompt using "cd path"). Git Shell is installed by default with Github windows installation.

Then run the same bower install command. It will work as expected.

The below screenshot shows the command using Git Shell Bower install using Git Shell


On Windows, you can try to set the path at the command prompt:

set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\Git\bin;

When you ran the git install, you probably didn't choose:

"Use Git from the Windows Command Prompts"

during the installation.

Re-run git install, and choose that option.


You are missing the ENVIRONMENT PATH. Follow these steps:

  1. Search for 'Edit the system environment variables'.
  2. Click on 'Environment Variables'.
  3. In the 'System variables' section, scroll down and click on the variable 'Path'. Click 'Edit'.
  4. Append this text to the end of the 'Variable value'.



I also got the same problem from cmd and resolved using the following steps.

First install the https://msysgit.github.io/ (if not alredy installed). Then set the Git path as suggested by skinneejoe:

set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\Git\bin;

Or this (notice the (x86)):

set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin;

In Linux:

if you dont have installed git use:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git

with command which git you will know the directory where is and then add in path if it is not in that enviroment variable.


I bumped into this problem on a cPanel CentOS 6 linux machine. The solution for me was to symlink the cPanel git to /usr/local/bin/git

ln -s /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/git /usr/local/bin/git

1.Set the Path of Git in environment variables. 2.From Windows command prompt, run cd Project\folder\Path\ run the command: bower install


I solved the problem by install Git Bash from Download Git Bash.

Setting this option 3 when installing the software as shown bellow.

Setting Path variable

Finally select the project folder by right click using Bash as shown below.

enter image description here

and type

npm install

. It works for me.


npm install from git bash did work for me. After rebooting PC.


Just use the Git Bash instead of node.js or command prompt

As an Example for installing ReactJS, after opening Git Bash, execute the following command to install react:

bower install --react

I had the same problem and needed to restart the cmd - and the problem goes away.