
Locally building Win Phone 8 apps in PhoneGap 3.2.0 with a non-English Windows version will currently always fail and deliver the following error:

phonegap install wp8 [phonegap] detecting Windows Phone 8 SDK environment...

phonegap local build wp8 [phonegap] adding the Windows Phone 8 platform...

[error] Error while checking requirements: The command msbuild failed. Make sure you have the latest Windows Phone SDKs installed, AND have the latest .NET framework added to your path (i.e C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319 ). This is due to an insufficient regex in line 82 of .cordova\lib\wp\cordova\3.2.0\wp8\bin\check_reqs.js

var msversion = output.match(/Microsoft\s(R)\s+Build\sEngine\s[a-z]+\s4.0.30319/i);

The regex will match the string "Microsoft (R) Build Engine, Version 4.0.30319" - which is the output of msbuild from the command prompt on Windows Systems (with .NET 4 framework installed) with English locale only. With German language setting, msbuild says: Microsoft (R)-Buildmodul, Version 4.0.30319.33440

And that string the above regex will never match and always report that msbuild is missing - no matter whether .NET is installed or not.

Help me!

unsuccessful? help me!thanpv

1 Answers


I have win8 running English and 90+ languages here is my list I followed

STEP1 http://dl.google.com/android/installer_r24.1.2-windows.exe for phonegap please install this in C:\android-sdk OBS: please make sure folder name is android-sdk and nothing else. let me know once done and send picture of folder contents

STEP2 api 22 OK not 19 - Hide quoted text - On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 5:37 AM, .. wrote: 2 - make sure you have installed API-19 or else phonegap will be very angry!!!

STEP3 3 - cmd.exe and go to your app folder cd my-app then C:~\my-app> SET ANDROID_HOME=C:\android-sdk

OBS: if you write SET ANDROID_HOME="C:\android-sdk" , better sleep and forget it!

STEP4 4. then you type phonegap cordova platform add android

STEP-5 type and run phonegap run android

STEP-6 cd to C:~\my-app\platforms\android\cordova folder, my computer like this: cd C:~\my-app\platforms\android\cordova STEP-7 In cd this folder type build

FINAL HOW2 BUILD Before typing build (STEP-6 and 7): Copy all files from your app folder (book folder)

to your C:~\my-app\www folder because it looks for all gold in that folder - replace hello-world with your own files: in \www Now we can do STEP-6 and 7 i.e. build.

That's it, your APK is in folder C:~\my-app\platforms\android\ant-build (CordovaApp-debug.apk)