Cordova 3.3.0 installed from fresh and PATH fixed with visibility to tools etc.
Build a new bare application Add android platform
now it starts to go awry -
Following instructions to import to Android Development Tools ( Eclipse ) I get TWO projects created HelloWorld and HelloWorld-CordovaLib
HelloWorld has errors as it can't see/does not have the the cordova.jar file ( assuming this from past experience )
HelloWorld-CordovaLibs is whats missing from the HelloWorld project all the source to Cordova
Assuming that I need the jar file I dig around and try running ant jar from within the android part of my project
Running ant jar fails -
Target "jar" does no exist in the project "HelloWorld"
which is an ant error telling me it doesn't know how to build target jar.
look at build.xml in the android directory confirms this - no section on "jar" A bit more digging on the net and the Apache Cordova git repository seems to intimate that I should have another file build.xml inside a directory 'framework' with the jar target defined.
Ahhhhh - no framework directory anywhere.
Can anyone work out where this is all going wrong before I tear any more hair out?