I am experimenting with Solr's MoreLikeThis feature.
My schema deals with articles, and I'm looking for similarities between articles within three fields: articletitle, articletext and topic.
The following query works well:
But I would like to experiment with boosting different query fields - i.e. putting more weight on similarities in the articletitle, for instance.
The documentation (http://wiki.apache.org/solr/MoreLikeThis) suggests that this can be achieved by including the mlt.qf property, with some boosting.
My attempt at such a query is as follows:
&mlt.qf=articletext^0.1 articletitle^100 topic^0.1
However, the boosts seem to have no affect - no matter what boosts I supply, the recommendations remain the same (I would except the above query to heavily favour similarities in the titles, but this doesn't seem to be happening)
I can't find any examples in the documentation that use MoreLikeThis in this way, which leads me to believe I've got something wrong.
Has anyone managed to achieve something like this?