
We created a custom meta-Runner that we then use in various build configuration.

The problem I'm having currently is that few steps (like Running mstest) in meta-runner do not apply to all the projects. Is there a way in meta-runner I can say that the build step is optional(probably based on a variable). I know I can create 2 meta-runners(1 with test and other without) but I would like to avoid it unless there is no other option.

The error I'm getting is "No assemblies, run configuration and test metadata were found" for the projects that do not have unit tests.


1 Answers


I don't know if there's a way to do it with a variable unless you do a custom script.

But, it's probably a bit simpler than that, because you can disable inherited steps in your build configurations.

Using your build configuration (created from the template) that won't need unit tests,

  1. Go to Administration: Build Steps
  2. Find the step that executes the tests (or any step you want to disable)
  3. Under the more dropdown at the right side of the step, you should see the option to disable the step.

I'm going from memory here; I would give a screen shot but I do not have access to those servers currently.

This will not affect the template at all, it simply disables the step for this build configuration.