Just want to make sure I got how Ack-ing works in Storm. I have 1 spout and 2 bolts chained together. Spout emits tuple to Bolt1 which in turn will emit a tuple to Bolt 2. I want Bolt 2 to ack the initial tuple sent from Spout and I'm not sure how.
In order to guarantee fault tolerance (ie: tuples are resent) I want to ack in bolt 2 the tuple emitted by Spout just in case it fails somewhere in the process so it can be resent.
Consider this example:
_collector.emit(new Values(queue.dequeue())
def execute(tuple: Tuple) {
_collector.emit(tuple, new Values("stuff"))
At this point tuple is the tuple sent by the spout. I can ack it here w no probs. Now add another bolt which listens in on tuples emitted by Bolt1.
def execute(tuple2: Tuple) {
_collector.emit(tuple2, new Values("foo"))
At this point the tuple in tuple2 is the tuple sent from Bolt1 (the one that has string "stuff" in it).
So if I send an ack in Bolt2 this will ack the tuple from Bolt1 not the one sent from Spout. Correct?
How can I ack the tuple that was sent from the spout? Should I piggy back the initial spout on all the other spouts so I can retrieve it in the last Bolt and ack it?
I read Nathan's tutorials and I got the impression that I could ack the tuple received in Bolt1 (from Spout) right there after emitting tuple2. This would link the newly emitted tuple2 to the original tuple sent by Spout so when Bolt2 acks tuple 2 it actually acks the original tuple from the Spout. Is this true?
Let me know if I'm missing something in my explanation.