I'm trying to import a large amount of data into a flat table using CSV. During the import BigQuery reports:
- File: 0 / Line:6659 / Field:11: Could not parse '' as a timestamp
In the schema I have 2 timestamps: fields 4 and 11 . Both are nullable. For the second timestamp the row entry on field 11 is indeed null.
Is it supposed to work like this or do I need to send it as "0" ?
"Web","View","Login","2013-10-01 06:31:50.0354","2861905","BE","nl-BE","","0","","","","","","","","","0","","","","","","","","","","","","","" ,"",""
– Wouter0-0-0 does not exist for timestamp: 0000-00-00 00:00
I'll probably switch to UNIX timestamp too :( – Caio Iglesias