
I have a Crystal Reports that is pulling data by date range and grouping it by WEEK. Also the data is displayed in Chart. Everything works fine. However, I run in into one problem.

When I group by WEEK, it displays the start date in both grouping and chart. I would like to display the END Date. I wrote a formula to take care of this, however, for some reason the dates are off:


For example, I do a date range between 11/10/2013 - 11/23/2013. If I run this without a formula it groups like this:



I want to display



If I run this with the formula above, I get the following output:



I'm not even sure how they formula calculates 20 and 26. Any suggestions on how to fix this problem?


2 Answers


This is a little tricky. CR assumes Sunday to be the first day of the week, unless specified otherwise. So, for example to get the first day of the week is Monday (number 2 in the default CR week), this formula will give you the first day of the week:

If DayOfWeek({@Today}) = 2 Then
Else If DayOfWeek({@Today}) = 3 Then
dateadd ("d",-1,{@Today})
Else If DayOfWeek({@Today}) = 4 Then
dateadd ("d",-2,{@Today})
Else If DayOfWeek({@Today}) = 5 Then
dateadd ("d",-3,{@Today})
Else If DayOfWeek({@Today}) = 6 Then
dateadd ("d",-4,{@Today})
Else If DayOfWeek({@Today}) = 7 Then
dateadd ("d",-5,{@Today})
Else If DayOfWeek({@Today}) = 1 Then
dateadd ("d",-6,{@Today})

To get you the last day of the week, which should be Sunday in a regular work week, this formula would give it to you:

If DayOfWeek({@Today}) = 1 Then
dateadd("d", +6, {@Today})
Else If DayOfWeek({@Today}) = 2 Then
dateadd("d", +5, {@Today})
Else If DayOfWeek({@Today}) = 3 Then
dateadd("d", +4, {@Today})
Else If DayOfWeek({@Today}) = 4 Then
dateadd ("d",+3,{@Today})
Else If DayOfWeek({@Today}) = 5 Then
dateadd ("d",+2,{@Today})
Else If DayOfWeek({@Today}) = 6 Then
dateadd ("d",+1,{@Today})
Else If DayOfWeek({@Today}) = 7 Then

So your days are:

Sunday (1)

Monday (2)

Tuesday (3)

Wednesday (4)

Thursday (5)

Friday (6)


So in your case, the formula to get the end date should be:


Seems easier to convert the date to a week number value, then add the number of days you need to get to end of the week date.

Modified from Source:


Adjust the +7 at the end of the formula if you want the week to end on a different day.


Proof sample report