How can i add a column inside a property grid? So far I've tried the following:
source : dataForGrid.source,
columns : [
text: 'text',
xtype : 'checkcolumn',
dataIndex : 'status',
width : 100,
editor : {
xtype : 'checkbox'
listeners : {
checkchange : function (checkColumn, rowIndex, checked, eOpts ) {
//some code here
renderer: function(val, m, rec, rowIndex) {
//some code here
text: 'TEST',
sortable: false,
dataIndex: 'value2',
field: {
xtype: 'textfield'
customEditors: dataForGrid.customEditors,
My source is pretty standard, I have a tempObj witch hold the following properties (the dataForGrid is passed to the source property of the grid): = data[i].some;
tempObj.text = data[i].some === '' ? '' : '<a class="clientNameTextSomeGrid" onclick="console.log(123)">' + data[i].some + '</a>';
tempObj.editor = data[i].someother;
tempObj.datatype = 'nvarchar';
tempObj.editable = true;
tempObj.status = data[i].someother === 'A' ? true : false;
tempObj.renderer = "";
tempObj.value2 = "gcgrg";
And i have a customEditors:
var newField = Ext.create('Ext.form.ComboBox', {
name: data[i].some,
store: tempStore,
clientID: tempObj.editor,
queryMode: 'local',
editable: false,
displayField: 'value',
valueField: 'id',
triggerAction: 'all'
dataForGrid.customEditors[data[i].some] = new Ext.grid.CellEditor({
field: newField
The checkbox (and the combobox using the customEditors) works fine. But I'm unable to add value to the 'TEST' column (the column appear but no value in it). Any help will be appreciated. If you have questions or you need more code, write a comment below and it will be provided.
*UPDATE: If my dataIndex property of the second column holds the 'status' value (from the tempObj), the column is rendered with the specific values, but if i use value2 property from the tempObj again, the column remains empty.