
How to connect to a certain table in MySQL database?

I have tried :


but it gives me an error :-

"Error : Table 'baybeestore.form' doesn't exist"

But I've created a table named as order. Are there any PHP codes to connect to my table order in the same database that have multiple databases?

Is it wise enough to create multiple database & one table for one website or multiple table with one database?


$connection = mysql_connect("localhost","user","1234");
        die('Failed to connect to MySQL :' . mysql_error());
    $sql = "INSERT INTO
    form(name, address, email, handphone, item, payment)

    ('$strname', '$straddress', '$stremail', '$strhandphone', '$stritem', '$strpayment')";

    if(!mysql_query($sql, $connection))
        die('Error : ' . mysql_error());
    echo "Data have been saved.";
The usual way is one database per application (or application domain) with multiple tables.Joachim Isaksson
Don't use mysql_* use either PDO or mysqli. It's deprecated.Michael Villeneuve
You should have a look at this youtube series youtube.com/watch?v=BEbKji_pSZM . Hope this helps! :)Rwd
As per your edit/added code. You're using two different tables for your queries. Result: ERROR You have SELECT * FROM order and INSERT INTO form 2 different animals altogether. If anything, that should be INSERT INTO order or SELECT * FROM form yet... ORDER is a reserved word and should be enclosed with backticks. dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/reserved-words.htmlFunk Forty Niner
I suggest you read this article on INSERT along with everything else listed on that website, and/or find tutorials on mysqli_ and PDO. Stop using mysql_ functions also. I myself studied Database syntax for 6 months, and spent 3 months testing and building from tutorials before I felt I was good and ready. If you have the time to do so, you will have much better success with your code, believe me ;-)Funk Forty Niner

4 Answers


As per your edit/added code. Your originally posted code

You're using two different tables for your queries. Result: ERROR

You have SELECT * FROM order and INSERT INTO form 2 different animals altogether.

If anything, that should be INSERT INTO order or SELECT * FROM form yet... ORDER is a reserved word and should be enclosed with backticks.



This is a very confusing question. mysql_select_db("baybeestore",$connection); has nothing to do with table names, so your error must be coming from somewhere else. Also, the error refers to the table form, but you say you have created a table named order.

To answer your questions:

  1. You don't connect to tables; you connect to databases and run queries against tables. Connect to my_database or whatever, then run queries like SELECT * FROM my_table.

  2. One database, multiple tables -- definitely not multiple databases, which is much more complicated, generates a ton of overhead, and doesn't help in any way.


Maybe you are confusing things. You are supposed to connect to a database and then run queries against one or multiple tables in that database.

So if you have database My_Database and tables table1, table2 you could run

mysqli_select_db($connection, "My_Database");

and then run queries like

$result = mysqli_query("SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE 1 LIMIT 1");

please note that I have changed the function names to mysqli_* because mysql_* functions are deprecated and should not be used anymore


Now that you are learning, I recommend you to start learning the correct way. Don't use mysql_ functions. Try learning PDO. Also, use one database per application.

To connect you can try:

    try {
    $conn = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=myDatabase', $username, $password);
} catch(PDOException $e) {
    echo 'ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage();

You can learn more about PDO through this link