
I want setup the projectile project for project that has no local git, hg, bzr, etc. directories so I cannot use their repositories as source of project files. Is it enough to just create the .projectile file in the root directory and use the C-u C-c p f to refresh the cache. I've tried this and in my case it is not working (my .projectile is empty - shall I fill it with some rules?). What I would expect is the emacs/projectile to automatically index all my project, i.e. directory-by-directory, file-by-file, so I can make later quick search for the files.

Could you please give me some step-by-step hints ?


This is an excerpt from my .emacs config file:

(require 'projectile)  
(setq projectile-indexing-method 'native)  
(setq projectile-enable-caching t)  

After the C-c p f sequence I'm asked by the "Find file:" prompt but the only file in the list is the .projectile file itself - none of the project files are displayed.

What values you have for projectile-enable-caching and projectile-indexing-method? The empty .projectile approach is valid. What happens when you hit C-c p f?juanleon
@juanleon: I've updated the question abovemichal.szulc
Strange. That setups works for me. Does projectile-globally-ignored-directories or projectile-globally-ignored-files match the rest of the files? What versions of Emacs/projectile are you using (I assume you are using Windows, because of the native indexing method)?juanleon
By the way, your .projectile is meant to remain empty; the cache is stored in a different place (file projectile.cache, on your ~/.emacs.d or similar)juanleon
None of the projectile-globally-ignored-directories directories or projectile-globally-ignored-file files match any of the files/directories in my project. The project includes mainly (~99,9%) *.c, *.h and Makefilesmichal.szulc

1 Answers


Currently, I have found out that after you have created a .projectile file in the directory of your choice, projectile will only use it after you restart emacs from that directory.

The caching is working well.