I am trying to send money from my business Paypal account to another Paypal account with the adaptive payments API. I created a classical Paypal app, requested permissions to send implicit payment, and was Approved Conditionally. I am using my business account's API UserId, password and signature, and when I make the payment request I use the email address associated with my business account. It might be worth mentioning that it's a Swiss Paypal account.
Nevertheless, I receive an error:
[Error: Response ack is Failure. Check the response for more info]
{ responseEnvelope:
{ timestamp: '2013-12-13T05:21:53.825-08:00',
ack: 'Failure',
correlationId: '6b31a6a7cbf80',
build: '7935900' },
[ { errorId: '550001',
domain: 'PLATFORM',
subdomain: 'Application',
severity: 'Error',
category: 'Application',
message: 'You do not have permission to execute this payment implicitly' } ],
httpStatusCode: 200 }
Here's my code:
Paypal = require 'paypal-adaptive'
paypalSdk = new Paypal
userId : 'my userId'
password : 'my password'
signature : 'my signature'
appId : 'my appId'
payload =
senderEmail : 'my email'
errorLanguage: 'en_US'
actionType : 'PAY'
currencyCode : 'CHF'
feesPayer : 'EACHRECEIVER'
memo : 'example'
returnUrl: "http://www.serviceathome.com?success=true"
cancelUrl: "http://www.serviceathome.com?success=false"
receiver : [
email: 'recipient email'
amount: '1.00'
paypalSdk.pay payload, (err, res) ->
if err?
console.error err
return console.error res
console.log res