
I am trying to send money from my business Paypal account to another Paypal account with the adaptive payments API. I created a classical Paypal app, requested permissions to send implicit payment, and was Approved Conditionally. I am using my business account's API UserId, password and signature, and when I make the payment request I use the email address associated with my business account. It might be worth mentioning that it's a Swiss Paypal account.

Nevertheless, I receive an error:

[Error: Response ack is Failure. Check the response for more info]
{ responseEnvelope: 
   { timestamp: '2013-12-13T05:21:53.825-08:00',
     ack: 'Failure',
     correlationId: '6b31a6a7cbf80',
     build: '7935900' },
   [ { errorId: '550001',
       domain: 'PLATFORM',
       subdomain: 'Application',
       severity: 'Error',
       category: 'Application',
       message: 'You do not have permission to execute this payment implicitly' } ],
   httpStatusCode: 200 }

Here's my code:

Paypal = require 'paypal-adaptive'

paypalSdk = new Paypal
  userId    : 'my userId'
  password  : 'my password'
  signature : 'my signature'
  appId     : 'my appId'

payload =
  senderEmail : 'my email'
    errorLanguage: 'en_US'
  actionType    : 'PAY'
  currencyCode  : 'CHF'
  feesPayer     : 'EACHRECEIVER'
  memo          : 'example'
  returnUrl: "http://www.serviceathome.com?success=true"
  cancelUrl: "http://www.serviceathome.com?success=false"
    receiver : [
      email: 'recipient email'
      amount: '1.00'

paypalSdk.pay payload, (err, res) ->
  if err?
    console.error err
    return console.error res

  console.log res
Any solution to this? I'm facing the same issue.andyzinsser
The solution was to wait for the approval. Even though the dashboard said it was "conditionally approved", it really wasn't. And the approval came a day later.Ita

1 Answers


Ita: I had the same error just today. I was using the sample code from the Paypal Adaptive Payments website exactly as shown. I was simply entering the Paypal cURL snippet straight from the sample code. I got the same command as you got. I re-installed cURL and made sure the install the SSL cert. Worked straight away after that.