
I have a few C# integration tests that are run every night by Team City and the NUnit test runner. It would be very helpful if when a test fails the Trace logs could be made visible within the Team City build log.

Is this possible?

You mean to say that your tests make http requests and that you would like the trace files on disk? If so, have a look at the answer to stackoverflow.com/questions/10141723/….Oskar Lindberg
I mean that the Nunit tests call methods with Trace.TraceError() statements. I was wondering how I could see those within Team City?Dan Rowlands

2 Answers


All console output is shown in the build log. Not quite sure if Trace-logs are displayed there (it might even be configurable somewhere?)

Click on a build, go to the tests tab. To the right of all tests there is a small arrow, click it and hit "Show in build log", and you'll be taken directly to the output of that test. Usually there's not a lot of interesting stuff for a successful test. Failed tests have their own view with all the output you normally get in your test runner.


Just do


It will appear in your TeamCity build log, might be not the best solution in the long run but for temporary test debugging this should suffice.