
I've got a bug report that the course is opened in smaller popup.

JS to open the popup is:


and it works but for some random users it opens way to small, like a 3/4, is there any known bug in IE that manifests similarly (popup is opened in different size than passed as arguments in window.open)?

I know that if popup with the same name is already opened than new window.open call will use this to open URL but will ignore any new window feature setup.

Can you elaborate more on that IE option?Lukasz 'Severiaan' Grela
I'm sorry, looks like the option I was thinking about, is not exactly for this. It rather prevents scripts to create too small windows, or windows out of the screen. Which IE version has been reported?Teemu
I think it was IE10 judging by a screengrabLukasz 'Severiaan' Grela

1 Answers


There is the "Box model bug" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Explorer_box_model_bug) Inspect the element and check if border or padding affect the size.