I have an EmberJS app which was from the yeoman template and is built independently in a GruntJS build.
The Ember app talks to a rails-api backend, and in dev I use grunt-connect-proxy to proxy localhost:3000 to localhost:9000 so I can use my GruntJS setup to build the assets. In prod I put the build output into the public folder.
I'm trying to implement authentication with Devise. I'm fine with emberjs, but I am not very experienced with Rails or Devise and I'm not having a lot of success finding a good approach to using it with my setup. I've see examples using token_authenticatable
but also have read that it has been deprecated in Devise so I guess I shouldn't use that? I've also seen this example for apps using rails asset pipeline .
Here are my options
Try to figure out a way to authenticate using my current setup of ember+grunt separate from the backend rails-api with devise. All login has to be done through ajax and I can't use rails to render anything out to the views. Any examples of this anywhere?
Put my ember app into rails so that the asset pipeline can be used to render out stuff. Try to do ajax login for nice UX
Put ember app into rails and just do full post back for auth. Probably easiest option.
Any advice?