
I'm using woocommerce on wordpress to create a simple shop site and I've added a couple attributes to a product. These are namely, size and color. Under size I have a variety of values including Small, Medium and Large. Same with color ie. Red, Blue, Green.

What I want to do is show these values in a dropdown. Basically just list them out so I can use the values as filters for the shop catalog page.

Any help would be great.

EDIT: I've delved into the woocommerce code and api docs and only found this code to pull the attributes.

global $woocommerce;

$attr_tax = $woocommerce->get_attribute_taxonomy_names();

foreach( $attr_tax as $tax ) {
     echo $woocommerce->attribute_taxonomy_name( $tax->attribute_name );

What this snippet gives me are the taxonomy slugs only, ie. pa_size and pa_color. I'm very new to woocommerce, but a search in there api docs reveals nothing about how to pull the values of these attributes.

Have you made any attempt to do this at all?Mike Brant
Of course, I'm sorry. I forgot to post my code.clueless
There is a much simpler way then to use code to do what you want. A woocommerce product can be a variable product and from there you can set the fields you want to have as a variable. Here is a link to some documentation for it: docs.woocommerce.com/document/variable-productIroner100

4 Answers


You can use get_terms() https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/get_terms/

If you pass in pa_size or pa_color you will get back a list of terms in that taxonomy.


Hoping this is helpful to someone:

global $product; 

// Get product attributes
$attributes = $product->get_attributes();

if ( ! $attributes ) {
    echo "No attributes";

foreach ( $attributes as $attribute ) {

        echo $attribute['name'] . ": ";
        $product_attributes = array();
        $product_attributes = explode('|',$attribute['value']);

        $attributes_dropdown = '<select>';

        foreach ( $product_attributes as $pa ) {
            $attributes_dropdown .= '<option value="' . $pa . '">' . $pa . '</option>';

        $attributes_dropdown .= '</select>';

        echo $attributes_dropdown;

This post was written some time ago so I don't know if Woocommerce had this method in its previous incarnations.
For anyone else looking to do this, this line is all you need.


This allows you to customize the order and toggle whether or not you want to display the variation in the backend,


In addition to @user5029040 answer, which outputs html, if you want to get an array you can use the following function.
