
I have two workbooks. They are both open. Book1.xls and Book2.xlsm. In each of those workbooks I have different worksheets:

Book1.xls -> A1, A2, A3

Book2.xlsm -> B1, B2, B3

I want to copy a specific cell range (B5:I29) from Book1.A1 to Book2.B2 (or any other sheets).

I seem to hit a hardwall with the understanding of the syntax and correct procedure to follow.

I tried:

' Set paths
FileToCopyFrom = "C:\Book1.xls"  'change path as required
FileToCopyTo = "C:\Book2.xlsm"         'change path as required

' Set Workbooks
Dim workbookToCopyFrom As Workbook
Set workbookToCopyFrom = Workbooks(FileToCopyFrom)
Dim workbookToCopyTo As Workbook
Set workbookToCopyTo = Workbooks(FileToCopyTo)

' Copy+paste
workbookToCopyFrom.sheet("A1")Range("B5:B29, I5:I29").Copy
Worksheets("B1").Range("A10").PasteSpecial (xlPasteValues)

But I am unable to make it happen. Can you please explain me the right procedure to set the workbooks, worksheets, cell range, copy and paste?

Thank you


1 Answers


Couple of errors.

If the workbooks are opened then simply change

Set workbookToCopyFrom = Workbooks(FileToCopyFrom)


Set workbookToCopyFrom = Workbooks("Book1.xls")

Similarly for the other

Set workbookToCopyTo = Workbooks("Book2.xlsm")

Also you are missing a DOT before the range object and a S in the Sheet object.

workbookToCopyFrom.sheet("A1")Range("B5:B29, I5:I29").Copy

needs to be

workbookToCopyFrom.Sheets("A1").Range("B5:B29, I5:I29").Copy

Next, your destination is incorrectly coded. I guess you wanted to do this?

workbookToCopyFrom.Sheets("A1").Range("B5:B29, I5:I29").Copy
workbookToCopyTo .Sheets("B1").Range("A10").PasteSpecial(xlPasteValues)

So your final code will look like this

Dim workbookToCopyFrom As Workbook
Dim workbookToCopyTo As Workbook

Set workbookToCopyFrom = Workbooks("Book1.xls")

Set workbookToCopyTo = Workbooks("Book2.xlsm")

' Copy+paste
workbookToCopyFrom.Sheets("A1").Range("B5:B29, I5:I29").Copy