I am using List control to display data in grouped order. The Store related to the list is loaded from the controller. here is my list view...
id: 'teamListId',
xtype: 'list',
scrollable: true,
itemTpl: new Ext.XTemplate('<div class="teamInfo">',
'<div class="teamName">{teamName}</div>',
'<tpl if="isMyTeam === true">',
'<div class="teamStatus teamStatusYes"></div>',
'<tpl else>',
'<div class="teamStatus teamStatusNo"></div>',
store: 'Team',
itemCls: 'teamListItem',
action: 'teamListItemTap',
grouped: true,
flex : 1
And here is the code to load the store
var teamStore = Ext.getStore('Team');
params: {
id : 5,
email : userId
It works fine most of the time BUT sometime loadmask doesn't get removed.. and keeps displaying it indefinitely even after store is loaded successfully. I used unmask() and setMasked(false) of list but no luck so far..