I'm trying to update records in my form. It's a restaurant reservation system. Given the Table #, the form can let the user input the Customer ID of the person reserving, the reservation time and date. But when I click on the "update" button in my form, a text box will pop up with this:
And whatever I put in it, the runtime error "too few parameters. expected 1." pops up. Sometimes a "Reserved Error" will pop up. Could someone help me? It's the last step before I could finally finish this project.
This is my code for updating the record:
Private Sub Command8_Click()
On Error GoTo errHandling
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "UPDATE tblReserve SET CustomerID = " & """" & Me.txtCustID & """" & _
", ResDate = " & """" & Me.txtResDate & """" & ", ResTime = " & """" & Me.txtTime & """" & " WHERE TableNum =" & Me.TableNum
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Screenshot of VBA editor with Debug.Print strSQL
Debug.Print strSQL
statement after you've constructed your SQL string, then copy it from the Immediate Window ([Crtl-G] in the VBA editor) and update your question (click the "edit" link, above) to show us the SQL you are actually trying to execute. – Gord ThompsonCommand8_Click()
procedure with theDebug.Print strSQL
statement in it. – Gord ThompsonCurrentDb.Execute
) causes an error that gets handled byerrHandling:
then theDebug.Print
will never get executed, will it? Move theDebug.Print
statement to immediately followstrSQL = "UPDATE ..."
. – Gord ThompsonUPDATE tblReserve SET TableNum = D-02, CustomerID = 3, ResDate = '12/23/2013', ResTime = '10:00:00 PM' WHERE TableNum =D-02
this is what appeared in my immediate window after inputting data onto my form. – nutellafella