I'm currently developing an Outlook Add-in which can save MailItems and Attachments into a SQL Database.
When a MailItem with Attachment is saved 2 categories are added to the MailItem saying that the message is saved and that the attachment is saved.
When adding a MailItem with only 1 Attachment, the categories are added correctly as shown below.
But when I save a MailItem with 2 or more Attachments it looks like this:
this is the code for adding the category:
foreach (Outlook.Attachment att in mailItem.Attachments)
att.SaveAsFile(Path.GetTempPath() + att.FileName);
var fi = new FileInfo(Path.GetTempPath() + att.FileName);
var attachment = Attachment.NieuwAttachment(att.FileName,
CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), -1,
Convert.ToInt32(SelectedMap.Tag), fi);
if (!Attachment.InlezenAttachment(attachment)) continue;
//if attachment is being saved add "attachment saved" category to mailitem
mailItem.Categories = string.Format("{0}, {1}", OutlookCategories.CategorieBijlage, mailItem.Categories);
catch (Exception ex)
var dmsEx = new DmsException("Er is een fout opgetreden bij het opslaan van een bijlage.",
ex.Message, ex);
Anyone can help me out with this???