
I know there are several topics on this issue but I can't find any feasible solutions for BEF Filtering with SEO friendly URLs.

The only feasible hint i found is, to use hook_url_inbound_alter and hook_url_outbound_alter. I tried to use both in a module but i don't get rid of my problem... Maybe anyone here can help me?

My "Setup":

I'm using Views (V. 7.x-3.7), Better Exposed Filters, and the latest Drupal 7 version.

The Filters are following (all based on taxonomy terms / used as links in the front end):

  • Activities: Field name: field_sportart_tid[0]=1; Terms: Bike, Family, Run, Triathlon, Ski Alpin ...
  • Countries: Field name: field_country_tid=12; Terms: Austria, Croatia, Italy
  • Regions: Field name: field_region_tid[0]=22: Terms: F.e. Austria: Carinthia, Uperaustria, Salzburg....

The taxonomy terms should be logically combined so that you have a url which looks something like this: /bike-run/austria/carinthia-upperaustria/

So anyone can help me to solve this problem?




1 Answers