
I need to run a custom action only in Modify mode. I tried below condition but it is running in both Modify mode as well as in Repair mode.


I am using Installshield 2012 spring.

Windows Installer doesn't really have such modes. All it really has is installation, repair, or removal of features and components. So what cases do you mean by "modify" that exclude "repair"?Michael Urman
If we click an entry in control panel, there is a option called "Change"(My package has Uninstall, Change and Repair optons). If you click on that Change button, installshield wizard window will be opened with 3 check boxes named "Modify", "Repair" and "Remove". I am talking about this "Modify" option. If we select Modify option, we can modify installed features.McClane
Isn't the "Modify" checkbox tied to a public property? If yes, then you can use that property to condition the execution of your custom action.Bogdan Mitrache
That property tied to _IsMaintenance property.McClane

1 Answers


as far as i know there is no explicit "modify mode" condition. but there are condition for installation and uninstallation, if you exclude both only modify will be left:

Not Installed And NOT REMOVE~="All"

btw modify and repair is basically the same