
I am working with SQL Server Integration Services 2008. In my Data Flow task I got a OLEDB source. I choose SQL command as the Data Access mode and following is my sql text

Select * from table1 where ID=?

And from parameters tab my Parameter Name is zero "0" and value is coming from a package level variable.

I tried to replace the parameter name with "Parameter0" but I always get the same error that

Error: "No Value given for one or more required parameters"

But there is a value for my variable

Kindly help

You changed the parameter name to 0 and then "I tried to replace the parameter name with "Parameter0"" why would you change it back? Am I misunderstanding your question?billinkc
Where exactly are you getting the error? When you run the package, the dataflow component, or just punching the Preview button?bartover
When I push the preview button.V.B
@billinkc because by default the parameter name is Parameter0 but MSDN says for OLDDB connections it should be "0".V.B
I get the same error while just trying the preview. Have you tried running it? Heres a work around stackoverflow.com/questions/20093362/…TsSkTo

1 Answers


You are doing the right thing, but it is the "Preview" that is not working for parameterized source tasks. Try executing the package and you should be ok.