
I'm using UIPageViewController to swipe through pages (UIViewController array). I push the page view controller on the top navigation controller.

While I start the app, I could page through all the VCs inside the page view controller. However,the "three finger swipe" on page view controller doesn't work. It just doesn't get the scroll events.

Any insight on what's going wrong here?

Did you implement accessibilityScroll:?David Rönnqvist
Did you get anysolution for the same?rahulg
Double tapping screen allows to move to the next view controller.GoodSp33d
@GoodSp33d for accessibility wasn't it you have to swipe with 3 fingers for scrolling?Arun Kumar
I'm also having same issue, @Swapnil Patel did you find any solution?Arun Kumar

2 Answers


Have you tried setting the value for view.isAccessibilityElement on the UIViewControllers in your pageViewControllers' array?

(on viewController.m/viewController.swift file) self.view.isAccessibilityElement = true

The code above should work in both Objective-C and Swift (v. 2.2 and higher, maybe lower versions as well)


Have you tried this:

In storyboard, change the Transition Style in attribute inspector of the pageViewController to "Scroll" instead of "Page Curl".