Is it possible in Matlab to use only matrix operations in order to create a NxN matrix Mat like the following two foor loops would do?
Mat = zeros(N);
for row = 1:N
for col = 1:N
if (row == 1 && (1 <= col && col <= N))
Mat(row,col) = N;
if ((2 <= row && row <= N) && (1 <= col && col <= N))
Mat(row,col) = (2*row+1)*col;
I thought indexing the corresponding rows and columns like:
Mat(1,1:N) = N;
row = 2:N;
col = 1:N;
Mat(row,col) = (2.*row+1).*col;
The first line is working. But the second operation leads obviously to a problem with the dimensions of row and col.
How can I use each value of row and col? Or is there a simpler way of achieving the same result from the two foor loops?