
I am trying to write an ONVIF video stream at the camera side on Linux Fedora (not the client side). I already installed the WSDL2H and ran:

wsdl2h -c o onvif.h http://www.onvif.org/onvif/ver10/device/wsdl

This command built the onvif.h

I wrote a UDP, HTTP, TCP server on my Linux.

In my UDP server program I catch the Hello message from the ONVIF Device Test Tool. How should I proceed from this stage/point? I would like to know how to write the "answer" function in C?


1 Answers


At first you need soap tool like as gsoap.
Using gsoap you have to implement WS-Discovery
(Hello message is the one of the WS-Discovery)

In the gsoap FAQ, You can find useful information.
Also in the gsop documents, there is a information for WS-Discovery