I'm trying to use boost::geometry::model:polygon and i just can't make it work, i also found out there something else inside :
#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>
called polygon_2d
i don't know which one i need and how to use it.
i tried to write the following code :
double points[][2] = {{2.0, 1.3}, {4.1, 3.0}, {5.3, 2.6}, {2.9, 0.7}, {2.0, 1.3}};
model::polygon<model::d2::point_xy<double> > poly;
append(poly, points);
But unfortunatly it doesn't work, i got the following compilation error :
boost::mpl::assertion:_failed : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'boost::mpl::failed**** (_cdecl boost::geometry::traits::point_type<Geometry>::NOT_IMPLEMENTED_FOR_THIS_POINT_TYPE
my final goal is to create a polygon and to check if points are inside of him ..
thanks in advance
the append function expect (Geometry& geometry, RangeOrPoint const& range_or_point);