
I've been using CodeIgniter for a few months and recently discovered Bonfire, which looks like a great foundation for CI projects, despite the current build using almost outdated resources like Bootstrap 2.

I really love the module system in Bonfire, it seems like a very efficient method for creating completely independent subsystems. However, I wonder how compatible these modules would be with a normal CodeIgniter installation. Obviously you can't just dump the modules folder in, CI wouldn't know what to do with it, but is there any way to restructure a BF module into a third party plugin or something that can be used in CI?

Similarly, would it be possible to extract files from a CI installation and package them as a BF module (obviously with some tweaking)?

I would imagine the answer to those questions would probably be "of course not", so I just want to make my understanding clear; if I decide to develop with Bonfire, I would essentially be stuck using it without being able to revert to vanilla CodeIgniter and I would only be able to share my modules with other Bonfire users. Correct?


1 Answers


Basically the very first difference is that bonfire works on HMVC (Hierarchical model–view–controller) which means every module will contain its own model view and controller.

Yes it can easily be integrate with the vanilla codeIgniter you mentioned because the framework basically following the codeIgniter rules and provided a CMS with great functions.

Some features like:

  1. Built-In Admin Area
  2. Modular Coding
  3. Data Maintenance

For more details check the documentation