I have used too much time (days) on this and I really hope someone can help me out. I found a good article on describing my problem in a generic way so let's stick to it.
I am trying to build this query but NHibernate fails to build the correct sql and returns a sql query exception.
Column vSagsAendring.Id
is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY
clause. It could not execute the following query:
viewsagsae0_.Id as Id155_,
viewsagsae0_.SagId as SagId155_,
viewsagsae0_.JournalNr as JournalNr155_,
viewsagsae0_.LbfNr as LbfNr155_,
viewsagsae0_.OrgNr as OrgNr155_,
viewsagsae0_.OrgNavn as OrgNavn155_,
viewsagsae0_.AfdNavn as AfdNavn155_,
viewsagsae0_.SagsType as SagsType155_,
viewsagsae0_.Status as Status155_,
viewsagsae0_.SagsbehandlerInit as Sagsbeh10_155_,
viewsagsae0_.Dato as Dato155_,
viewsagsae0_.JournalAktionType as Journal12_155_,
viewsagsae0_.Beskrivelse as Beskriv13_155_,
viewsagsae0_.Ekstern as Ekstern155_
from vSagsAendring viewsagsae0_
group by viewsagsae0_.SagId
var query = from p in _session.Query<ViewSagsAendring>()
group p by p.SagId
into grp
select grp.OrderByDescending(g => g.Dato).First();
This is another version also took from the article:
var query = from p in _session.Query<ViewSagsAendring>()
group p by p.SagId
into grp
let maxDato = grp.Max(g => g.Dato)
from p in grp
where p.Dato == maxDato
select p;