
My question relates to an error when generating a report.

In JasperReports Server created a Single Input Control Value but when you try to generate a report I get the error:

The server has encountered an error. Please excuse the inconvenience.

Error Message

net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: Invalid type java.lang.String for parameter SelectAsset used in an IN clause; the value must be an array or a collection.

In the preview iReport everything works flawlessly. I will put the value and generates a report.

Put your jrxml here and give some info about input control in serverIsmail Sahin
Input control is a Single Value Type. In the query, I added: WHERE $ X {IN, resources.resourcename, SelectAsset}Krokodyle

1 Answers


if you mean a single value by "Single Input Control Value" it should not be a collection. So

Change your SelectAsset parameter type from java.util.Collection to java.lang.String

Then redeploy your report to the server then try again.